Boating Etiquette: How to Be a Respectful Boater During the Season

Aug. 16 2023 Miscellaneous By FFUN Motorsports

Boating Etiquette: How to Be a Respectful Boater During the Season

It can be a fun, exciting experience to take your boat out on the water, but adhering to boating safety rules and etiquette is essential. When boaters work together to have respect for each other, the water, and the watercraft, it can allow everyone to have memorable boat days for all the right reasons. Before heading out on the water during the busy boating season, it doesn’t hurt to remind yourself of vital boating etiquette tips. 

Don’t Drink and Boat

It should go without saying and should just be common sense but drinking and boating never work out well. Not only is it illegal, but it also puts swimmers, your guests, and fellow boaters in jeopardy. Many factors, from the alcohol you have to the environment, can severely impact your ability to safely operate the watercraft. Having alcoholic beverages while operating the boat isn’t worth the risk. It can be incredibly dangerous, even if you’re wearing a life jacket.

Don’t Dump Garbage in the Water

The beautiful water is not a dumping ground for wrappers, food scraps, empty takeout containers, plastic cups, or anything else you don’t feel like having on board. It harms the environment, might damage other watercraft, could injure swimmers or other boat owners, and looks unsightly.

Know What the Rules Are

Don’t be the person who makes excuses that you didn’t know the speed limit or weren't aware of the other local laws and rules of the road that are probably posted in prominent locations. Familiarize yourself with the boating safety rules and laws for where you’re going, especially if it’s going to be a crowded area before you arrive for the sake of your safety and that of others. 

Don’t Get in the Way of Fellow Boaters

Your fellow boaters are just as excited about getting on the water as you are, so don’t be the person who stands in their way. For example, put on your life jacket, get your safety gear set, apply your sunscreen, and get you, your guests, and your boat ready to get out on the water before arriving at the boat launch. When you get to the fuel dock, get your fuel and keep it moving. 

Be Kind to Others

One of the most essential rules of boating etiquette to know, especially if it’s your first time out on the water, is to be kind to fellow boaters in every circumstance. Wave to people, don’t purposely throw waves at anyone or other watercraft, say hello, don’t be argumentative, avoid blasting music, and help other boaters in need. Always be the person with good boating manners.

Always Keep Boating Safety and Etiquette Tips in Mind

Whether it’s your first-time boating or you’re a pro, it’s essential to always remember boating etiquette tips. This helps ensure that you’re a part of the reason the other boaters were (hopefully) able to enjoy themselves while out on the water and go home safe at the end of the day.