Everything you need to know about hooking up a trailer

Jun. 14 2022 Miscellaneous By FFUN Motorsports

Hooking up a trailer isn’t something you will get right the first time. It’s very precise maneuvering of your tow vehicle and the trailer. We are here to lay out some steps to make the actual hook-up easy. The most important thing is to ensure you have the appropriate towing capacity. Whether you are hooking up a travel trailer, fifth wheel or cargo trailer, our first piece of advice is to enlist help. Hooking up your trailer with backing up and getting your trailer hitch perfectly aligned with the ball mount will go much smoother if you have someone who can guide you.

Next, before hitting the road, start by lining up your SUV or pickup truck, then use the person as your guide to direct you as you back up. The idea with backing up is to get close to the trailer coupler but not directly on it. As you get close, raise the trailer tongue high enough that you can back your hitch up and directly align the trailer ball over the coupler.

Lower the trailer jack once you are confident the hitch and hitch ball are aligned. Once these two are securely placed, insert the safety pin and double-check the connection by lifting the trailer jack slightly. Attach the safety chains once you have confirmed it is all connected correctly.

After the trailer and safety components are connected, plug in all the trailer wiring. Have someone stand at the back while you double-check that the trailer lights, brake lights, and turn signals all work.

If all looks good to you and you are confident in the safety of your trailer and the trailer brakes, you’re ready to hit the road. If you are unsure of your tow ratings, at any point, refer to the owner’s manual. The team at FFUN Motorsports Saskatoon are trailer experts, so contact them anytime to discuss the proper techniques of hooking up a trailer.